[ · Captură ecran ] | 2013-09-14, 12:47 PM |
Un ofiter de politie trebuie sa captureze un criminal in serie inainte ca noaptea polara, lunga de 6 luni, sa inceapa. Carrie Stetko a fost detasata timp de doi ani la statia de cercetare de la Polul Sud. Ea si-a depus demisia si asteapta sa plece cu ultimul avion, care va decola in trei zile. Un cadavru e gasit cu 72 de ore inainte ca noaptea polara sa inceapa, astfel incepand prima investigatie politeneasca din istoria Cercului Arctic. Ceea ce Carrie nu stie e ca asasinatul e parte dintr-un secret lung de 60 de ani, iar criminalul e dispus sa mai ucida si alti oameni pentru a-si proteja taina. Filmul e o adaptare cinematografica dupa un graphic novel de Greg Rucka. Whiteout has it all – Starts with a long unnecessarily drawn out shower scene with a pre-shower shot focused on KB bending over, in her underwear, right into the camera. Not that I mind, but a total B-movie skin-a-max move. It is followed up with a pointless story that lacked any originality (except I guess the location) that included routine plot points and every EXPECTED twist!! We even get an uninspired, contrived history for KB's character. Add some REAL BAD dialogue at times (you know the kind – the writers are not sure the audience will get the absolute obvious, so they have a character actually say the obvious out loud. | |
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