
The Last Resort (2009)
[ · Captură ecran ]2010-05-18, 2:42 AM
Un grup de fete,puse pe distractie,sunt atacate si jefuite de niste baieti,iar,apoi, abandonate in mijlocul unor pustietati.Ele ajung intr-o casa decorata bizar cu obiecte de arta,avand conotatie sexuala....o forta malefica pare sa puna stapanire pe ele,eliberandu-le de toate oferindu-le libertatea absoluta de actiune...dar in sens negativ. Astfel,aceasta voce demonica,care le indeamna la "eliberare" scoate la suprafata rau latent din adancul fiintei le va determina sa comita fapte oribile,de care nu se credeam in stare.

Kathleen, a bride to be, and her four bridesmaids Sophia, Jessica, Beth, and Amber travel to Mexico in hopes of having a last "hoorah” before the wedding a few weeks away. After partying hard the night before, Sophia splits from the group to pursue Rob, a hansom young tourist from the states. The other girls decide to take a tour of the countryside without her, but are robbed and left for dead in a remote rugged terrain. As night falls, the tired and injured girls arrive at an abandon resort and decide to take shelter until morning. When they enter, strange things begin to happen, as the girls become overwhelmed by an unspoken evil that possesses the resort. Back in town, Sophia is worried about her friends and works hard to track them down. After realizing they took a scenic tour, Sophia and Rob do the same, in hopes of finding her lost friends. Sophia and Rob finally discover the resort and attempt to help their friends, but an unspeakable evil has taken control of all who travel to The Resort

Calitate Film : DVDRip
Categorie: Groaza | Adăugat de: DodyGeo™ | Tag-uri: online movies, The Last Resort (2009), filme online gr, free online movies subttitle in rom, Filme Online 2010, filme online cu subtitrare in roman
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